Do You Suffer From Constipation, Chronic Heartburn, and Other Digestive Issues?
Do You Suffer From Constipation, Chronic Heartburn, and Other Digestive Issues?

This month we are offering free spinal checks for scoliosis in Viroqua.
f you do suffer from these conditions and seek out over the counter medications or prescription medications the best you can hope for is a covering up of symptoms.
An option you may be overlooking is Chiropractic treatment.
Did you know your digestive system is controlled and regulated by your nervous system and if these nerves are not sending and receiving messages like they should this may cause digestive issues. Subluxation (misalignments) of bones in your spine may be the culprit causing interference of normal (nerve messages) communication. Chiropractic treatments to correct spinal subluxations, dietary advice, and exercise can be extremely effective for alleviating issues related to the digestive tract. For a complimentary spinal check or for more information on how to improve your digestive system naturally please feel free to call for an appointment today.
Health Tip for Digestive Problems
How Chiropractic Care Can Ease Digestive Problems
Perhaps it's due to our diets or inactivity. Perhaps it's our increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Whatever the cause, digestive troubles seem to be on the rise. Digestion is what moves food through your body; it keeps the nutrients and vitamins and rids itself of the toxins. When this part of your body slows down or stops working, the result can be a sluggish, tired, sickly, much less productive version of yourself. It can wreak havoc on all parts of your life, from your physical health to your mental well-being to your motivation. Getting a handle on digestive troubles can be tough, but it's not impossible.
Let's take a look at this growing problem in America.
What exactly does "digestive trouble" mean?
Trouble with your digestive tract could be a lot of things. Some people suffer from chronic problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chron's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, or Diverticulitis. All of these are irritations within the large or small intestine. They have what are called "flare-ups" where the symptoms and problems all come on at once and stick around for a while. Other people may suffer from chronic inflammation of the digestive tract, whether from a disease or food allergies, while still others may just suffer from a slower than normal digestive system. Whatever is giving you trouble, the symptoms are likely to range from abdominal pain, gas, bloating, a change in bowel habits, or a combination of all of these.
What can be done about it?
While some forms of digestive diseases require a doctor's supervision and medication, others require nothing more than a change in dietary habits. Eating a healthy balanced diet can go a long way. Consuming large amounts of fiber and low amounts of sugar seems to be a good habit of sufferers of these kinds of diseases. Another great way to help with digestion is chiropractic care. Chiropractic care has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body and promote healing. A misalignment of certain parts of the spine have also been shown to prevent proper digestion. Therefore, getting proper care may help to ease symptoms and get you moving again.
Chiropractors may perform spinal manipulation to get your spine in proper alignment and may suggest supplements / probiotics. If you need some relief from your digestive troubles, look no further than a little preventative chiropractic care.
Call Vernon Clinic of Chiropractic for your appointment today: 608-637-8111
Sam's Insurance Desk
Can you believe that September is here?
Kids are back in school, fall is in the air and by now all Medicare enrollees should have their new Medicare card. IF not, please contact Medicare to follow up. The new cards do not change anything with your coverage but eliminates the use of your social security number as the identifier. This is great news, as now you can carry your insurance card with you without fear of identity theft. It is important to have the card with you when out and about or traveling as none of us know when it will be needed, and you will not have to worry about locating it when you do. If you have any questions regarding your new card or any insurance questions, please feel free to give me a call, I am happy to help.
Upcoming Event
Thank you for your referral drawing! September 4th - September 30th, 2018
For every individual you refer to Vernon Clinic of Chiropractic in the month of September that receives a new patient consultation and initial exam, your name will be entered into a drawing to take place October 1, 2018 for a Chiroflow Premium Waterbase pillow.
Make sure your referral tells us who sent them!
Chiropractic Talks in Viroqua
Listen to Chiropractic Talks with Dr. Kris on the Radio
Listen to Chiropractic Talks - LIVE -- with Dr. Kris Erlandson
Each Tuesday and Thursday at 6:50 am on WVRQ,102.3 FM, right after "Hello Neighbor" with Karen Dahl.
Each broadcast Dr. Kris offers health advice for you and your family and friends. If you know anyone who wants to know better methods for improving their health, have them listen to Dr. Kris.
- When: Each Tuesday and Thursday at 6:50, after "Hello Neighbor" with Karen Dahl.
- Where WVRQ,102.3 FM
- What: Practical NATURAL health Tips
- Probiotics improve the absorption of nutrients such as zinc, iron, phosphorus, B vitamins, calcium, copper, and magnesium.
- Enhance immune system response
- Alleviates negative affects of taking antibiotics
- Calms colon irritation following surgery
- Helps to support healthy skin in youth
- Increased ability to digest food
- Therapeutic for upper respiratory complaints
- Reduces lactose intolerance
- Reduces incidence of yeast infections, vaginitis and candidiasis
- Increases ability to assimilate nutrients from food
- Alleviates many common digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea and IBS
- Acts as a remedy for bad breath
Food where probiotics are found
- Plain unflavored yogurt
- Kefir
- Sauerkraut
- Miso
- Pickles
- Tempeh
- Kimchi and
- Kombucha tea
Recipe Corner
"If you are interested in treating yourself and your family to a healthy snack, here is the ultimate chocolate pudding. A little gives you the chocolate fix you might be looking for. " ~Jo
Greek Turkey Meatball Gyro with Tzatziki
Ingredients (Turkey Meatball)
- 1 lb. ground turkey
- 1/4 cup finely diced red onion
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- 1 cup chopped fresh spinach
- salt & pepper to season
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
Ingredients (Tzatziki Sauce)
- 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
- 1/4 cup grated cucumber
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon dry dill
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- salt to taste
- 1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion
- 1 cup diced tomato
- 1 cup diced cucumber
- 4 whole wheat flatbreads
- In a large bowl add, ground turkey, diced red onion, minced garlic, oregano, fresh spinach, salt, and pepper. Using your hands mix all the ingredients together until meat forms a ball and sticks together.
- Then using your hands, form meat mixture into 1″ balls. (you should be able to get about 12 meatballs).
- Heat a large skillet to medium high heat. Add olive oil to the pan, and then add the meatballs. Cook each side for 3-4 minutes until they are browned on all sides. Remove from the pan and let rest.
- In the meantime, to a small bowl add greek yogurt, grated cucumber, lemon juice, dill, garlic powder, and salt to taste. Mix together until everything is combined.
- Assemble the gyros: to a flatbread (I like to warm mine up so they are more pliable) add 3 meatballs, sliced red onion, tomato, and cucumber. Then top with Tzatziki sauce.
Ole and Lena Humor
When Ole accidentally lost 50 cents in the outhouse, he immediately threw in his watch and billfold. He explained, "I'm not going down der yust for 50 cents."
8:00am - 5:15pm
7:00am - 10:00am
8:00am - 5:15pm
7:00am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
Vernon Clinic of Chiropractic
1316 Bad Axe Court Suite A
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 637-8111
Fax (608) 637-8722