Good New Year to You!
Good New Year to You!

Healthy eating is my subject for you today. Hmmmm………..with 68.8% of all adult Americans being overweight and almost 40% considered obese do we really think this is not a novel subject, nor complicated. When I say healthy eating is not complicated this surely will raise the eyebrows of some but when you implement common sense into your eating habits it becomes more and more simple. We, here at Vernon Clinic of Chiropractic, are here to help.
Good New Year to You from Vernon Clinic
of Chiropractic
Here are three questions for you to ponder:
1. Are we genetically programmed to consume highly processed foods with copious amounts of sugar and bad fats?
2. Is it congruent with our human genomes to consume foods that are riddled with chemicals to enhance flavor, color, and smell.
3. Is it within low common sense to consume foods that have chemicals in them that make us addicted to that very chemical so we crave more?
Well how many times did you answer yes to my three questions? Do you like quizzes?
Well, let’s do some more questions then.
4. Are we genetically programmed to consume (hopefully organic) fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and meat?
5. Is it congruent with our human genomes to consume foods that are chemical free and taste, look, and smell delicious naturally?
6. Is it within low common sense to consume foods that don’t have chemicals in them so we won’t become addicted to that very chemical so we crave more?
See, It is not that difficult. If you did answer yes to questions 1 through 3 or no to questions 4 through 6 GIVE ME A CALL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember, if your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, ditch the scale and eat sensibly, exercise, and get regular Chiropractic checkups.
Yours in health,
Dr Kris
8:00am - 5:15pm
7:00am - 10:00am
8:00am - 5:15pm
7:00am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
Vernon Clinic of Chiropractic
1316 Bad Axe Court Suite A
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 637-8111
Fax (608) 637-8722