Your Time is Now!
Your Time is Now!

It seems the older I get, the faster time goes. So many things are on my list that I say I am going to do, are still on the list, waiting for time: exercising, eating healthy at EVERY meal, more family time, quiet time for myself, etc. I know I can give you a thousand reasons why I haven’t found time…but the truth is I don’t control life enough to make them happen! I say if I have another day in the week, I’d have time…but honestly I’d fill that too! (Now understand, there are many things we cannot control in life. But how you react to them, or control your response to them, does determine if you let “drama” eat up your time, or if you address it and move on.)
Getting Healthy in Viroqua
Time = Commitment. Commitment = Consistency. Commitment, hard commitment, is going to be the only thing that changes anything. I need to start simple and build little steps, and I need to make them routine! This is my challenge, to make new routines. Join me here at Vernon Clinic of Chiropractic in making little changes turn into BIG results. What are these “things” on your list? Starting Chiropractic care for the whole
family? Healthier cooking/eating for the whole family? More quality time? Less electronics? Exercise? Chiropractic or Massage Wellness Care for yourself? Take “control” of the “things” in your life. Start with healthier lifestyles. Make happier, less stressful lifestyles by eliminating the things that bog you down! Make it happen.
Your time is now!
8:00am - 5:15pm
7:00am - 10:00am
8:00am - 5:15pm
7:00am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
Vernon Clinic of Chiropractic
1316 Bad Axe Court Suite A
Viroqua, WI 54665
(608) 637-8111
Fax (608) 637-8722